Route Optimization

Driving safely from A to B, on time and within budget? This is all possible with Trailermatics’ Route Optimization Tool.

Our Route Optimization Tool (developed for Android and optimized for the logistics sector) automatically determines the most efficient route based on your trip planning, your vehicle data, and your preferences.

This allows you to save on the costs of fuel, rent, and workforce.

In-cab navigation system

The use of in-cab navigation systems has been commonplace for years. These navigation systems are often fully designed for use by consumers in passenger vehicles.

But that doesn’t make them suitable for Heavy-Duty Vehicles at all.

Our Route Optimization Tool picks up where regular navigation systems stop. We also simply calculate the fastest and safest route from A to B.

trailer driver

Considering the dimensions of the vehicle!

But it doesn’t stop there!

To further reduce the chance of delays, we also take into account the dimensions and weights of the vehicle in question when determining the ideal route. No need to reverse in narrow streets anymore.

reduce fuel consumption

Fuel Consumption

avoid traffic jams

Traffic Jams

optimize real time information

Optimized Routing

They talk about us

“We – Scanfor – are focused on transports in Scandinavia. We have been working with Novacom for more than 10 years and although our destinations are sometimes difficult to reach, Novacom always manages to guarantee the visibility of our trailers for our planners.”

Yousef Hamdaoui

Fleet Manager, Scanfor Belgium

Trailermatics offers you the fastest, cheapest or safest route for all your transport movements.

Please contact our sales.

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